Non-Responsive Flash Memory
The M25P10-A serial flash memory I use in the Ifos project seemed non-responsive when installed in the actual device—at least, my test program was consistently failing. Something was wonky, though, because not even debugging output was reaching the console.
I eventually realized that the test program was originally written without provision for a high-Z RS-485 tranceiver, so it never bothered to enable the transmitter. With that oversight corrected and the debugging output flowing again, the memory itself continued to stonewall every command. The o-scope showed Chip Select, MOSI, and SCK all as they should be, when they should be, with level translation (through the 74HC4050) working fine at speed.
Finally, after re-reading the datasheet and double-checking the Ifos schematic, I discovered the memory’s HOLD line was tied to VSS instead of VCC. Duh. That line is used to inhibit all serial communication with the memory, and it was working exactly as designed.
A little PCB surgery fixed the problem. Memory works great using a very simple driver:
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; PIC Framework
;; Copyright © 2006-8 Peter Heinrich
;; All Rights Reserved
;; $URL: svn:// $
;; $Revision: 353 $
;; Provides a basic wrapper to control the M25P-type serial flash memories.
;; This is a low-voltage 1-Mbit memory that supports SPI up to 50 MHz.
;; Due to the nature of flash memory, writes can only change bits from 1 to
;; 0, not 0 to 1. This means a cell holding 0xff may be reprogrammed to any
;; value, but one holding 0xa2 (for example) may never change to, say, 0xf6.
;; Standard operating procedure with flash memory, therefore, is to "erase"
;; cells to 0xff before storing values in them. Unfortunately, this isn't
;; possible on individual locations, but must be done at the sector level,
;; or for the whole chip at once. In addition, this procedure is usually
;; very slow (~1s/sector or ~3s/chip for the M25P10-A), although reads are
;; very fast and write speed is acceptable.
;; Like other NOR-based EEPROMs, the M25P10-A supports about ~100k erase/
;; program cycles per sector. This makes it a good candidate for static
;; data or code, but repeatedly changing data risks data loss due to chip
;; degradation and failure. This may be mitigated with "wear leveling," but
;; that is beyond the scope of this simple wrapper.
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; $Author: Peter $
;; $Date: 2008-08-12 22:45:35 -0700 (Tue, 12 Aug 2008) $
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include ""
; Public Methods
global M25P.disableWrites
global M25P.enableWrites
global M25P.eraseAll
global M25P.eraseSector
global M25P.getId
global M25P.getStatus
global M25P.powerDown
global M25P.powerUp
global M25P.readByte
global M25P.readBytes
global M25P.setStatus
global M25P.writeByte
global M25P.writeBytes
; Dependencies
extern Util.Frame
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.m25p code
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; void M25P.disableWrites()
;; Clears the Write Enable Latch bit of the status register, prohibiting
;; subsequent operations that write to the device.
movlw 0x04
rcall beginCommand
bra endCommand
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; void M25P.enableWrites()
;; Sets the Write Enable Latch bit of the status register, enabling write
;; operations on the device.
movlw 0x06
rcall beginCommand
bra endCommand
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; void M25P.eraseAll()
;; Resets all memory locations to 0xff, unless one or both Block Protect bits
;; (BP1, BP0) are set. In that case, this method does nothing.
;; This procedure is inherently slow, and may take up to 6 seconds(!) to
;; complete. This methods blocks until the Write In Progress (WIP) bit is
;; reset to 0.
movlw 0xc7
rcall beginCommand
bra endCommandConfirmWrite
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; void M25P.eraseSector( frame[0..2] address )
;; Sets all bits in the specified sector to 1. Any address in the sector may
;; be used to indicate which one is to be cleared. M25P.enableWrites() must
;; be called prior to this method.
;; Note that this is a slow operation, taking up to 3 seconds. This method
;; blocks until the write completes.
movlw 0xd8
rcall beginCommandAddress
bra endCommandConfirmWrite
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; frame[0], frame[1..2] M25P.getId()
;; Returns the 1-byte JEDEC manufacturer id (0x20 for STMicroelectronics) and
;; the 2-byte device identification, which includes the memory type in the
;; first byte and memory capacity in the second (0x20 and 0x11, respectively,
;; for the M25P10-A).
;; Note that this method returns 0 for all values unless the device has the
;; "X" process technology code. See M25P.powerUp() for an alternative
;; identification technique.
movlw 0x9f
rcall beginCommand
; Shift out the identification info.
movwf Util.Frame ; JEDEC manufacturer id
movwf Util.Frame + 1 ; memory type
movwf Util.Frame + 2 ; memory capacity
bra endCommand
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; WREG M25P.getStatus()
;; Returns the current status byte, whose bits are organized as follows:
;; X------- SRWD ; Status Register Write Protect
;; -000---- ; [unused, always read zero]
;; ----X--- BP1 ; Block Protect 1
;; -----X-- BP0 ; Block Protect 0
;; ------X- WEL ; Write Enable Latch
;; -------X WIP ; Write in Progress
movlw 0x05
rcall beginCommand
bra endCommand
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; void M25P.powerDown()
;; Enters the extreme low-power consumption mode of the chip, typically
;; about 5µA. When in this mode, the device will not respond to any other
;; commands besides M25P.powerUp().
movlw 0xb9
rcall beginCommand
bra endCommand
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; WREG M25P.powerUp()
;; Restores the chip to regular standby mode, drawing about 50µA. If the
;; device is in deep power-down mode, this method must be executed before
;; other commands will be accepted.
;; This method returns the 1-byte electronic signature of the chip, which
;; is 0x10 for the M25P10-A. The device need not be in low-power mode to
;; call this method, so the signature may be retrieved at any time.
movlw 0xab
rcall beginCommandAddress
bra endCommand
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; WREG M25P.readByte( frame[0..2] address )
;; Returns the 8-bit value stored at the memory address specified.
movlw 0x03
rcall beginCommandAddress
bra endCommand
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; void M25P.readBytes( frame[0..2] address, frame[3] count, FSR0 buffer )
;; Reads up to a page of memory (256 bytes) and copies the data sequentially
;; to the memory block whose base address is stored in FSR0. The first
;; address to be read doesn't actually have to be at a page boundary. If the
;; range extends past the end of physical memory, retrieval will resume at
;; location 0x00000000. This differs from M25P.writeBytes(), which always
;; works within the confines of a single page.
;; A count parameter of 0 indicates 256 bytes should be read.
movlw 0x03
rcall beginCommandAddress
; Loop over the flash memory range requested.
call ; shift out the next value
movwf POSTINC0 ; store the byte and advance pointer
decfsz Util.Frame + 3, F ; count satisfied?
bra rdBytes ; no, go back for another byte
bra endCommand
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; void M25P.setStatus( WREG status )
movwf Util.Frame + 1
movlw 0x01
rcall beginCommand
movf Util.Frame + 1, W
bra endCommandConfirmWrite
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; void M25P.writeByte( WREG value, frame[0..2] address )
;; Performs a logical AND of the working register and the memory address
;; specified. A call to M25P.enableWrites() must preceed this operation. A
;; write attempt to a page protected by the Block Protect bits will be ig-
;; nored.
;; This method blocks until the write is complete (typically 1.4 to 5 ms).
movwf Util.Frame + 3
movlw 0x02
rcall beginCommandAddress
movf Util.Frame + 3, W
bra endCommandConfirmWrite
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; void M25P.writeBytes( frame[0..2] address, frame[3] count, FSR0 buffer )
;; Performs a logical AND of the data memory pointed to by FSR0 and the Flash
;; memory starting at the address specified, up to the parameterized count (a
;; count of 0 indicates 256 bytes should processed). The Write Enable Latch
;; must be set prior to this operation.
;; The write request may extend beyond the page boundary, but the write it-
;; self never will. Flash locations past the end of the page will be mapped
;; to its beginning, resulting in a wrap-around write. A write attempt to
;; any page protected by the Block Protect bits will be ignored.
;; This method blocks until the write completes.
movlw 0x02
rcall beginCommandAddress
; Loop over the flash memory range requested.
movf POSTINC0, W ; load the next value and advance pointer
call ; shift in the next value
decfsz Util.Frame + 3, W ; count satisfied?
bra wrBytes ; no, go back for another byte
bra endCommandConfirmWrite
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; void beginCommand( WREG command )
;; Transmits the command byte, usually in advance of numeric parameters.
; Assert chip select and send command.
bsf PORTA, RA3 ; assumes CS/ is active-H via RA3
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; void beginCommandAddress( WREG command, frame[0..2] address )
;; Transmits the command byte and 24-bit address specified, usually in advance
;; of other numeric parameters. The address should be in little-endian format.
; Send the command.
bsf PORTA, RA3 ; assumes CS/ is active-H via RA3
; Send the memory address in network byte order (big-endian).
movf Util.Frame + 2, W ; upper byte
movf Util.Frame + 1, W ; high byte
movf Util.Frame + 0, W ; low byte
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; void endCommand()
;; Terminates the current command by de-asserting the chip select line.
; De-assert chip select.
bcf PORTA, RA3 ; assumes CS/ is active-H via RA3
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; void endCommandConfirmWrite()
;; Terminates the current command and blocks until the Write In Progress (WIP)
;; flag is clear.
bcf PORTA, RA3 ; assume CS/ is active-H via RA3
movlw 0x05
rcall beginCommand
; Check the WIP status bit.
call ; request status register
btfsc WREG, 0 ; is WIP clear?
bra waitChk ; no, keep waiting
; Write is complete, so de-assert the chip select line.
bra endCommand